Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Module 7 - Keep, Share, Discover, Organise!

I have heard this 'delicious' term many times over the last few years, although I have never really understood what it actually was.... until now!

This module really made me think about how and what knowledge is available on the great wide world of the web and how collaboration and communication is the way of the future... particularly in Education!

At the beginning of the module the following questions are posed. I think we as teachers continually ask ourselves and each other these questions;

• How do you find the good stuff?
• How do you remember where you found it last week?
• What great things are out there that you haven't discovered but another teacher has?

Thank goodness enough people have asked these questions leading to the development of tools to help locate, record, organise and share information such as Delicious.

Basically Delicious is 'favourites' online... a handy way for you to keep links to your favourite articles, blogs, music, and more from any computer on the web. It also allows for you share your favourites with friends, family, and colleagues. I think that delicious is a great tool in education as many of us spend hours surfing the web to find articles, blogs and information. By sharing favourites at a school, cluster and even organisational level this would eliminate allot or rummaging through useless sites and articles. I also love that you can access your bookmarks from any computer, gone are the days of being frustrated and saying... 'Ahh, I have that bookmarked in my favourites on my home computer'.

Ben Bishop’s online tutorial was a great introduction to Delicious and refers to it as "the finest internet directory on the planet." His instructions and handy hints were definitely helpful in setting up my account. I agree with Ben when about the sharing and social aspect of Delicious and the benefits it has for teachers and other industry experts. It provides the ability to share and find bookmarks easily and as stated before melinite unnecessary browsing. Being a visual learner I did find the video link was a great resource in helping understand Delicious. Once I had my account and added the delicious tool to my toolbar, I was off and away. I am sure Scott will be happy to know that the first bookmark I made was to the Web2.0 Myclasses Page and my second was my google docs page, and thrid was Glogster!. I am truely embracing my new found web2.0 tools and cannot believe it has taken me soooo long to make a delicious account. I beleive Delicious will be like the iphone... I didn't know what all the fuss was about until I got one and now I have one I don't know how I survived without one :)
I wonder how others are using this wonderful tool???

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about using delicious too. It will b such a wonderful tool for organising & sharing useful links & resources. A clever analogy to the iPhone- I definitely agree!
