Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Module 5 - Podcastings... Vodcasting... YouTubing... and more!!

What a fantastic Module!

Once again we are moving from the world of 'I can't, because I don't have' to a world of 'I can because I have access too..."

As the course continues the STK Breakfest Club continues to move forward and delve deeper into the wonderful world of Web2.0!

This module has definately given us mich to discuss... Podcasting, Vodcasting, Using YouTube and onther online video sharing networks as well as how we can use iTunes. St Kevin's teachers are active users of YouTube and have been incorporating this wonderful tool for some time now. We use th clips to help us develer content in a more 21st century way as well as as a tool to help us cater for students needs and diferentiate tasks. One example of this happened just last week to me in my Year 6 Religion class. We have been exploring the Bible over the last few weeks and in particular looking at significant people and stories in the Old Testement. The students were asked to select a person and story from a list given to the by myself. They had to read the passage, take notes and then create a speech. One of my students has ADHD as well as a few other special qualities (I am sure we all have a student who falls into this catergory) The student was unable to sit and read the passage let alone comprehend the story, know what was happening and take notes. So I found a few versions of the passage on YouTube. The student was able to sit at a laptop, with headphones and watch two clips that re-enacted the passage. The student was able to make some notes and focus on what was tkaing place in the story. When the student presented their speech they was able to explain the story, what had happened, who was involved and most importantly what we can learn from the story. I am certian that the student would not have produced this level of understanding if they had not had had access to the short videoclips.

Having access to tools like Youtube allows us to cater for a range of learners as well as present information in a new, exciting and interactive way. Antoher occasion that I used Youtube was when we were looking at Democracy last Term. We were discussing the term 'absolute power', something that in previous years has been hard for the students to understand. I found a few clips from Alice in Wonderland and add them into our unit of work. The students viewed the videos of the Queen of Hearts and then we discussed 'absolute power' and how the queen was demonstrating this. Straight away the students connected with the idea and concept. It was amzing to see the difference the videos made in their understanding and the discussions that followed.

Having the ability to use videoclips as teachers is a priceless tool.

One thing that did come up was COPYRIGHT! Many discussions have taken palce and continue to happen around the idea of copyright and Youtube. It is my understanding for the last Module and discussions I have had that Youtube is a creative commons video sharing site, so as long as you link the video or embed it where possible you are not breaking copyright.

As far as iTunes... we at St Kevins are still trying to figure out how to set up a network iTunes account that all teachers can access and use in order to roll out the use of iPods (that we do have) effectively! Any help with this or ideas would be great!

Happy Blogging!





  1. Hi Amanda, interesting to read how you and your colleagues are using Youtube, but in terms of copyright, recent CEO guidelines state "Don't use content that is likely to be an infringing copy.", ie, Alice in Wonderland is not supposed to be on Youtube as this infringes copyright, so you shouldn't use it... Also, not sure if you can set up a network iTunes account (whose credit card do you use??)...there is also a problem connecting more than five devices to an iTunes account.

  2. Thanks Scott. Thanks for clearing up the use of copyright with YouTube. We had a great disucssion about all of this this morning.

    In regards to the itunes... how are ther schools getting around this? I am sure they are in the same boat.

    We would also love to see you one Thursday morning!



  3. Hi Amanda! Thanks for you help today with embedding You Tube files. I managed to do it successfully! An interesting point about copyright. We will have to be careful with this. I suppose an alternative would be to purchase videos, such as Alice in Wonderland, on iTunes. However, as discussed, we don't yet have a school account set up. A bit of a catch 22...but hopefully only a temporary one!
