Monday, August 2, 2010

Module 2 - It's a bloggy kinda day!

WOW! We did it! All members of the St Kevin's Breakfast Club have a BLOG!!

The linked videos continue to aid in developing a better understanding of the content. I love the Blog’s in Plain English and actually used this and the one on wiki’s last year with Year 6!

Module 2 was very interesting for me...

The use of blogs in the classroom generated a range of discussion between our group. Some members felt that they would be a great tool to use in the classroom, others thought the same but would restrict the use of blogs to only primary students and in particular Stage 3. They felt that there use would be limited in the lower grades and would not be an effective learning tool. Other's felt that whilst they were a great tool for us adults to play with, the introduction of a blog with their students would be more hassle then it was worth. As I mentioned it was interesting... It is my hope that by completing this module and course they will change their minds and see that if we step back and give the students the chance they will blow us away with what and how they can tackle the adventures and opportunities web2 offers.

I feel that this is the type of discussion that is taking place amongst many teachers in 2010. We find ourselves surrounded by, mesmerised and at times focused on the 'tool' and forget to think about the learning or ask why we are using it?

I completed an E-Learning project last year with Year 6. We designed and made short films and used a blog to communicate our ideas and continue the discussions groups were having outside of school time. E-Learning promotes learning anywhere, anytime, anyplace. I saw this first hand and witnessed the great impact blogs can have on developing student communication and collaboration. Even amongst the weakest of students. Changing the platform and presentation of the work made a huge impact. Some students who were not strong writers, where able to touch type and express their understanding of the concepts covered much better than when I had previously asked them to hand write responses. Other students who did not have the ‘biggest’ voice in person were able to be verbal online and have their opinion heard. Once we had set up how to use the blog safely the students became the knowledge creators! We used the blog as a tool for students to discuss their major projects (making a short film) as well as a way to communicate and show parents what Year 6 were up to.

I feel that the E-learning focus is trying to shift this thinking and move away from the 'tool' and make us think about the successes we and our students can feel from the introduction of more interactive and student directed learning which is aided by web2.0 tools

The breakfast club continues to have fun exploring the world of Web2.0~

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    Your thoughts are very interesting and I am challenged by the way you use such tools and resources in the primary context. My area being technology often lends itself to use of a range of computer/internet based tools and it is great to see what others are doing.

    I totally understand you comment about becoming focused on the tool and not the learning experience. This is something we must all be careful with when teaching. It is easy for us to be awed by what a program or resource can do and what to share that with our students. However, it can be an unnecessary experience for the students if the links are not made with curriculum. This focus on the tool is something though we must think about when teaching using a range of mediums and techniques not just technology. It is easy to do the simple and use what you are comfortable with, without extending the students and truely engaging them.

    I look forward to reading more of your thoughts from your school group and individually.
